Feed-In tariffs
Get paid for electricity you generate at home
Get paid for electricity you generate at home
Feed-In tariffs - FITs - are where you get paid for any electricity you generate yourself, using solar panels, for example. Under the FIT scheme, you're paid:
for energy you generate and use yourself. These payments are on the 'generation tariff.'
for energy you generate but do not use. You sell or 'export' this electricity to the national electricity grid. These payments are on the 'export tariff.'
Utility Warehouse (UW) is a Mandatory FIT Licensee.
To comply with industry-wide Ofgem regulations, UW will use meter readings to calculate your export payments where it is possible to do so.
If you do not have an export meter, your payments will be deemed, which means an estimate of the amount exported will be calculated. The Secretary of State for (BEIS) Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy reviews and publishes the estimated export percentage by March 1st each year. Information on the latest determinations can be found here.
Where we can’t collect your readings remotely, in order to get paid for the energy you export, you’ll need to take export readings at least once every three months (as you would for your generation readings) and provide them to us here or by calling us on 0333 777 0777.
If you have a smart meter which can measure export, we may be able to collect your readings remotely. If we are unable to remotely collect your export readings, you’ll need to take export readings at least once every three months (as you would for your generation readings) and provide them to us here or by calling us on 0333 777 0777.
When you upgrade to smart meters with us, for free, you’ll be automatically switched from deemed to metered exporting. We’ll send you a confirmation when the switch has happened.
Call us on 0333 777 0777 to ask about your free upgrade, or go to Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
To apply, please complete this form.
For full terms and conditions, download this leaflet.
For help and frequently asked questions, go here.
If you have any queries or need to contact us, email feedintariffs@uw.co.uk or call us on 0333 777 0777.
Ofgem - 020 7901 7310
Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy - 020 7215 5000
Microgeneration Certification Scheme - 0333 103 8130
Click here to submit a reading. You can find a guide to taking readings here (or if you have a smart meter, here).